Registered Address: Albion Boiler Works, Albion Street, Castleford. WF10 1QX - Company
No: 4720029
Designed and Hosted by WABSYS Ltd 2013
Manufacture and supply made in the last 12 months.
- Manufacture of Drains Receiver ( Pressure Vessel) including, design review and manufacture
to PED.
- Manufacture of De-superheater pipework inclusive of design review, PED and re-design
to suit alternative materials.
- Overhaul and repair contract for PA Fan runners.
- Manufacture of PA Fan Casings inclusive of Suction Cones.
- Manufacture of Main Steam and Hot Re-Heat pipe Trunnions from 2 ¼ % Chrome materials
- Manufacture of Silencer Casings from Mild Steel.
- Manufacture and Installation on site of Coal Reclaim Hopper grids and support steelwork.
- Manufacture of Dust Bunker Protection Steelwork.
- Manufacture of a complete Sootblower Lance from Hasalloy C276 Material.
- Drain Pots and support steelwork from CMV material
Note: We hold weld procedures and approvals for all the material mentioned above
and more.